This piece is intended to depict many things, most importantly I wanted to inspire folks to keep their head up in this season.. it’s also to celebrate the relationship my sister and I have … she always has my back even in the toughest seasons… in life there’s going to be peaks , and there will be valleys.. it’s interesting cause typically when the public sees the wins (peaks) it’s when I’m usually experiencing personal valley moments …but the constant is the support and love of my family ….. yet every time I turn on the news I see the opportunity to do more and serve more, the need is so great … there’s so much more to do… but be reminded that even in there valley… there’s still sunlight ☀️
In The Valley of The Sun (2024)
40x60 (Original)
Acrylic on Canvas
#artbyjeffbeckham #leadership #havefaith #been #keepgoing #knowwhoyouare